Luv isn't in d fallin'...itz in stayin'..!!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Life Sucks..!!!

What is LIFE?? Is it a struggle?? Why is it so difficult to change things that we did?? Why is it not as easy as a simple click of mouse on UNDO button..!!?? Why do we repent after committing a mistake??
Is it bad to be ambitious?? Is it wrong to keep certain hope n expectations?? And if we don’t keep certain amount of hope/ expectation and ambition is us, we end up being stuck in what we are. Sometimes we fight to change ourselves, but ultimately this has little effect. We can change what we do, but we cannot change who we are. So we struggle with all these problems year after year, and when we get nowhere, we wonder if anything will ever change. And the unavoidable reality that comes onto one’s mind is life sucks..!! But then also, we don’t give up so easily, we keep struggling to solve our problems, to bring changes, to find happiness, wherever it is, whatever it is. This could be compared to an ant lifting a heavy weight and climbing up d wall, and no matter how many times she may fell down, she will re-start her mission to reach to the destination n maybe d next time she opts for a different way to her destination..!! So what do we learn out of it?? The moral of the story is “Life has more to do with how we deal with crisis than what the crisis is”.
Actually what I believe is that, “You can live your life to the fullest or you can waste it, it’s all up to you”. By now, you must be probably wondering why I have such an outlook on life. If you aren't wondering this, please do so now, before continuing. Actually, life sucks, only if you’ll let it to. All you got to do is to be an optimist and try harder, no matter how difficult the task may be or how many times you’ve been unsuccessful..!! Just don’t give up. Learn to live, love n lead life with passion.
You may be passing through enormous amount of tensions and problems. It maybe regarding your job n work field..!! Maybe you’re on d journey to the Valley of the Shadow of Debt. It could be regarding your family matters or other domestic problems. Your soul-mates, whom you trusted the most, may have turned their back on you, especially when you needed them d most..!! Sickness or disease may try to incapacitate you. You maybe were passing through the worst situation of your life… If you need to cry, then cry. If you need to scream out in rage or frustration, then scream. If you need some place to mend your wounds, then go there. But do not allow those painful experiences to strip you of your dreams and ambitions.
All you got to do is to bring that positive outlook in you and believe that it’s just a temporary phase and that you are for sure going to do great ahead..!! Always keep this in mind “No matter what happens to us, someone, somewhere is enduring a far greater test”. In this way, you will find yourself in a much better position. Ultimately, every experience prepares us for the next challenge that lies ahead. Learn to find the silver lining.
As the common saying goes “Learn from your Past, Look towards your Future and Live in your Present”, don’t spend your valuable time brooding over past mistakes and people who hurt your feelings, just keep in mind the lessons learnt from a particular experience, plan accordingly for your future, and continue your journey on the rough road of life. Obsess over this moment and how you'll live in it without regret. I say Suck Life before Life Sucks you.